Flowers kinds

  • lily rose
  • daffodil
  • camellia rose
  • Jasmine

Types Of Flowers

Many millenniums flowers personify beauty at people, pleasure and perfection of the nature.Flowers are giving to everybody, it does not matter who you are rich or poor, they give you that wonderful world, in which you feel yourself happy. Therefore people always tried to decorate with these surprising gifts of the nature not only celebratory and gala days of the life, but also everyday lives, which, as is known people have more even more full to feel pleasure of short-term life on the guilty Earth.

It seems that mother-nature has tried and has presented us these wonderful creations which a lot of millenniums ago bring in our life beauty, pleasure, and giving us good mood and emotional health at any time of the year.

In opinion of scientists there are more than 270 000 versions of colors. And each flower in his own way is beautiful and unusual and bears in itself a part of pleasure, to do our life more happier. At all nations of the world flowers associate with heat, sun, spring and pleasure. And it is not important winter in the street or summer, autumn or spring. Flowers always remain symbols of good mood and wonderful season - spring and summer.

Each flower, is shrouded by illusive and mysterious aura, and that magic mood with which it presents all people without exception, whether it is a man or a woman, a small child or an elderly person.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The names of flowers

The names of all flowers mean something special. Names of flowers usually don’t happen by accident—though there might be a funny story behind some different types of flowers—but different kinds of flowers mean different things. Here are meanings behind of some of those names of flowers.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Meaning Of Flowers

The Meaning Of Flowers

Alstroemeria: This hardy flower got its name from its discoverer, Baron Klas Van Alstoemer, who found its seeds in 1753. This flower is generally linked to symbol of friendship. Send bouquets containing alstroemeria to show the strength of your bond with another.

Anemone: This colorful flower belongs to the family of buttercup. The anemone is said to have sprung from the blood of the Roman god Adonis. These flowers generally represent anticipation. Help soothe someone’s nerves with this tranquil, lovely flower.

Aster: In ancient times, it was believed that if aster leaves were burned, the perfume would drive away evil serpents. In present century, asters are used to symbolize the element of patience. Running behind on a client’s project? Send some asters to show that you appreciate them bearing with you.

Bird of Paradise: This strange and wonderful flower belongs to the native to South Africa and represents the feeling of joyfulness. The Bird of Paradise is an excellent flower choice to send for any celebratory occasion.

Bouvardia: These flowers got their name from Charles Bouvard, a Parisian doctor. This flower is native to Mexico and was introduced in the UK in 1854. Bouvardia represents the sense of enthusiasm. Reward a hard-working employee with a bouquet made from the bouvardia.

Chrysanthemum: These flowers got their origin from the Chinese gardens for over 2,000 years. Today, the chrysanthemum is acknowledged as a symbol representing sun. Chrysanthemums represent essence of fidelity. Make sure to send them to your spouse in honor of your wedding anniversary.

Delphinium: Delphinium got its meaning from Greek word meaning Dolphin. Delphinium symbolizes the essence and feeling of heavenly qualities. Give some to your mother for her saintliness in having put up with you during your more trying periods.

Freesia: This wonderful flower is named after the German physician Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Freese. Freesia represents the essence of innocence and makes the perfect gift choice for the proud parents of a newborn baby.